Hartmut Bossel
Kurzbiographie, deutsch Langbiographie,
Systemzoo Info (deutsch) System Zoo Info (engl)

Prof. em. Ph.D., Dipl.-Ing.
Am Galgenköppel 6 B
D 34289 Zierenberg, Germany
Tel: +49.5606.8241, Fax: +49.5606.534279,
E-mail: info@hartmutbossel.de,
born 03-03-35, married (1961), 3 children
Bossel was professor of
environmental systems analysis and director of the Scientific Center for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Kassel,
Germany, until his retirement in 1997. He has led many research projects and
future studies, developing computer simulation models and decision support
systems in the areas of energy supply policy, global dynamics, orientation of
behavior, agricultural policy, forest dynamics and management, sustainable
development, and indicator systems. He has published a number of successful
books on modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, social change, future
paths, and sustainable development. Member of the Balaton Group since 1981.
- Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering (Aeronautical Sciences), University
of California,
- Diplom-Ingenieur (M.S.) in
Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Sciences) from Technical University
of Darmstadt, Germany,
Major positions
- Director,
Scientific Center for Environmental Systems Research and Environmental
Systems Analysis Group, University of Kassel,
Germany, 1979-1997
- Full professor and associate
professor (until 1990), Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University
of Kassel, Germany, 1979-1997
- Research director, Institute
for Systems Research and Forecasting (ISP), Hannover, Germany, 1977-1979
- Project leader, Institute for
Systems Analysis and Innovation Research (ISI), Fraunhofer Research
Association, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Associate professor and
assistant professor (until 1969), Mechanical Engineering Department, University
of California, Santa Barbara, 1967-1972
- Senior research specialist,
Department of Aeronautical Sciences, University
of California, Berkeley, 1963-1967
- Senior specialist
(aerodynamics), Northrop Corporation, Hawthorne, California, 1962-1963
- Research and other work
experience in Germany, USA, France, (former) Yugoslavia, (former) Soviet
Union, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand
- systems
analysis and systems dynamics
- mathematical
modelling and computer simulation
- environmental
science (Kassel University)
- mechanical and aeronautical
engineering subjects (University of California,
Santa Barbara)
- computer
simulation models of complex dynamic systems
- forest systems analysis and
computer models
- sustainable development paths
(energy supply system, forestry, agriculture, social system)
- self-organizing and
self-orienting systems
- indicators
of sustainable development
- computational and experimental
fluid dynamics (before 1972)
than 600 scientific publications and reports (about 250 in scientific journals
and books)
25 books (and software) as sole author, 20 as co-author or editor
Subjects: Computational fluid dynamics; modelling and simulation of dynamic
systems; societal development; environmental science; sustainable development;
forest system dynamics; orientation theory; indicators. Simulation and
environmental science software.
list of publications
that are available in the open literature.
List of
books written and/or edited by H. Bossel
(incl. major software programs)
H. Bossel:
Systems and Models – Complexity, Dynamics, Evolution, Sustainability.
Books on Demand, Norderstedt,
2007 (ISBN 978-3-8334-8121-5).
H. Bossel:
System Zoo 1 Simulation Models – Elementary Systems, Physics,
Engineering. Books on Demand, Norderstedt,
2007 (ISBN 978-3-8334-8422-3).
H. Bossel:
System Zoo 2 Simulation Models – Climate, Ecosystems, Resources. Books on
Demand, Norderstedt,
2007 (ISBN 978-3-8334-8423-0).
H. Bossel:
System Zoo 3 Simulation Models – Economy, Society, Development. Books
on Demand, Norderstedt, 2007 (ISBN 978-3-8334-8424-7).
H. Bossel: Weltmodell World3-03
– Simulationsmodell und Handbuch. co.Tec Verlag, Rosenheim 2006 (ISBN
H. Bossel:
Systemzoo – 100 Simulationsmodelle aus Systemdynamik, Technik, Physik,
Ökologie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Ressourcendynamik, Wirtschaft,
Gesellschaft und Entwicklung. CD-Rom,
co.Tec Verlag, Rosenheim, 2005.
H. Bossel: Systeme, Dynamik,
Simulation – Modellbildung, Analyse und Simulation komplexer Systeme.
Books on Demand, Norderstedt/Germany, 2004 (ISBN 3-8334-0984-3)
H. Bossel: Systemzoo 1 -
Elementarsysteme, Technik und Physik. Books on Demand,
Norderstedt/Germany, 2004 (ISBN 3-8334-1239-9)
H. Bossel: Systemzoo 2 - Klima,
Ökosysteme und Ressourcen. Books on Demand, Norderstedt/Germany, 2004
(ISBN 3-8334-1240-2)
H. Bossel: Systemzoo 3 - Wirtschaft,
Gesellschaft und Entwicklung. Books on Demand, Norderstedt/Germany, 2004
(ISBN 3-8334-1241-0).
H. Bossel: Über den Bergen ist der
Krieg so fern. Books on
Demand, Norderstedt/Germany, 2004 (ISBN 3-8334-0699-2).
H. Bossel: Indicators for Sustainable Development:
Theory, Method, Applications. IISD International Institute for Sustainable
Development, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1999 (ISBN 1-895536-13-8) (see www.iisd.org/publications)
H. Bossel: Globale Wende–
Wege zu einem gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Strukturwandel. Droemer Knaur, München 1998. (ISBN
H. Bossel:
Earth at a Crossroads– Paths to a Sustainable Future. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge UK 1998. (ISBN 0521.63005.3 hard cover,
0521.63995.6 paper back).
H. P. Nowak, H. Bossel: Simulationsbibliothek und Weltsimulation. 27
interaktive Simulationsmodelle. Multimedia Lernprogramm, Intercortex,
Rothenthurm/Schweiz 1995.
H. P. Nowak, H. Bossel: Weltsimulation World3/91 - Meadows Modell,
Simulationsmodell und Datenbank. Multimedia Lernprogramm, Intercortex,
Rothenthurm/ Schweiz 1995.
H. P. Nowak, H. Bossel:
Systemanalyse, Modell und Simulation. Multimedia Lernprogramm, Intercortex,
Rothenthurm/Schweiz 1995.
H. P. Nowak, H. Bossel:
Weltsimulation und Umweltwissen. Multimediales Lern-, Informations- und
Simulationsprogramm. Intercortex AG, Rothenthurm (Schweiz) und Vieweg Verlag,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1994. (ISBN 3-528-05475-1)
H. Bossel: Modeling and
Simulation. A. K. Peters, Wellesley MA
and Vieweg Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1994, 484 p. + diskette (with SIMPAS
simulation software and systems zoo with 50 models) (ISBN 1-56881-033-4, ISBN
H. Bossel, D. Meadows: Die neuen
Grenzen des Wachstums - Das Simulationsprogramm World 3. (Programm und
Handbuch). Deutsche Verlagsanstalt DVA Stuttgart 1993.
H. Bossel: Modellbildung und
Simulation - Konzepte, Verfahren und Modelle zum Verhalten dynamischer Systeme.
Mit SIMPAS Simulator für Turbo Pascal und einem Systemzoo von 50 Modellen.
Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1992, 400 Seiten mit rd. 200 Abbildungen
und Programmdiskette (ISBN 3-528-05242-2). 2. verb. Auflage mit Software SIMPAS
2.0, 1994, 402 S. (ISBN 3-528-15242-7).
H. Bossel, E.F. Bruenig: Natural
Resource Systems Analysis. Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung
(DSE), Feldafing 1991, 145 S. (ISBN 3 - 92441-55-3).
H. Bossel: Umweltwissen - Daten,
Fakten und Zusammenhänge. Springer Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New York 1990,
169 S., 310 Abb. (ISBN 3-540-53047-9, ISBN 0-387-53047-9). 2. Aufl. 1994 (ISBN
H. Bossel, B. Hornung, K.F.
Müller-Reißmann: Wissensverarbeitung mit DEDUC. Teil 2: Wissensdynamik mit
DEDUC - Grundlagen und Methoden dynamischer Wissensverarbeitung:
Wirkungsanalyse, Folgenabschätzung und Konsequenzenbewertung. Vieweg Verlag,
Braunschweig/ Wiesbaden 1989, 182 S., mit Diskette (ISBN 3-528-04660-0).
H. Bossel: Simulation dynamischer
Systeme - Grundwissen, Methoden, Programme. Vieweg Verlag,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1989, 310 S., mit Diskette (ISBN 3-528-04746-1). 2.
Aufl. 1992 (ISBN 3-528-14746-6).
H. Bossel: Systemdynamik -
Grundwissen, Methoden und Programme zur Simulation dynamischer Systeme. Vieweg Verlag,
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1987, 310 S. (ISBN 3-528-04566-3), mit
E.F. Bruenig, H. Bossel, K.P. Elpel, W.D. Grossmann, T.W. Schneider,
Wang Zhu-hao, Yu Zuo-yue: Ecologic-Socioeconomic System Analysis and Simulation
- A guide for application of system analysis to the conservation, utilization
and development of tropical and subtropical land resources in China. DSE
- German Foundation for International Development, Feldafing 1986, 388 p. (ISBN
3-926301-01-7). Also: UNESCO Man and Biosphere, MaB Mitteilungen 24, Bonn 1987
(ISSN 0723-4112).
H. Bossel, P. Kramer, J.
Schaffner, H. Weismantel, U. Zerger: Technikfolgenabschätzung der
landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Untersuchung für den Deutschen Bundestag,
Institut für Angewandte Systemforschung und Prognose (ISP), Hannover 1986, 320
S. Auch: Alternativen landwirtschaftlicher Produktionsweisen, Materialien zur
Drucksache 10/6801, Band V, Enquete-Kommission 'Technikfolgenabschätzung',
Deutscher Bundestag, Bonn März 1987, 427 S.
H. Bossel, K.H. Simon (Hg.):
Ökologie und Computer - Eine problematische Beziehung. C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe
1986, 256 S. (ISBN 3-7880-9728-0)
H. Bossel:
Ecological Systems Analysis - An Introduction to Modelling and Simulation. DSE
- German Foundation for International Development, Feldafing 1986, 180 S. (ISBN
H. Bossel, W. Metzler, H. Schäfer
(Hg.): Dynamik des Waldsterbens - Mathematisches Modell und Computersimulation.
Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Tokyo 1985, 267 S. (3-540-15475-2,
H. Bossel: Umweltdynamik - 30
Programme für kybernetische Umwelterfahrungen auf jedem BASIC-Rechner. Te-Wi
Verlag, München 1985, 466 S., mit Programmdisketten (ISBN 3-921803-36-5)
H. Bossel u.a: Dynamik von
Waldökosystemen - Mathematisches Modell und Computersimulation.
Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Mathematisierung (IAGM), Gesamthochschule
Kassel, Okt. 1982 (2. Aufl. Feb. 1983), 276 S. (ISSN 0723-3493)
H. Bossel, H.J. Grommelt, K.
Oeser (Hg.): Wasser - Umfassende Darstellung der Fakten, Trends und Gefahren.
Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt/M 1982, 295 S. (3-596-24056-5)
H. Bossel, W. Dürrschmidt (Hg.):
Ökologische Forschung - Wege zur verantworteten Wissenschaft. C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe
1981, 128 S. (ISBN 3-7880-9656-X)
F. Krause, H. Bossel, K.F.
Müller-Reißmann: Energiewende - Wachstum und Wohlstand ohne Erdöl und Uran. S.
Fischer, Frankfurt/M 1980, 234 S. (ISBN 3-10-007705-9)
H. Bossel: Bürgerinitiativen
entwerfen die Zukunft - Neue Leitbilder, neue Werte, 30 Szenarien. Fischer
Verlag, Frankfurt/M 1978, 187 S. (1. Aufl. Juni 1978, 2. Aufl. Nov. 1978, 3.
Aufl. Jan. 1981) (ISBN 3-596-24010-7).
H. Bossel
(ed.): Concepts and Tools of Computer-Assisted Policy Analysis. Birkhäuser
Verlag, Basel 1977. 3 Bände, 630+XIV S. (ISBN 3-7643-0921-0, 3-7643-0922-9,
H. Bossel (Hg.): Energie richtig
genutzt. C.F. Müller Verlag, Karlsruhe 1976, 214 S. (ISBN 3-7880-7073-0)
H. Bossel,
S. Klaczko, N. Müller (Hg.): Systems Theory in
the Social Sciences. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1976, 569 S. (ISBN
publications in books, scientific journals, and proceedings
H. Bossel: Goal Functions and Orientors. In: S. E.
Jorgensen (ed.): Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2007.
H. Bossel: Koexistenz von Natur-
und Humansystemen: Zur Notwendigkeit einer Ethik der Nachhaltigkeit. In: F.
Beckenbach u.a. (Hg.): Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomik 5 – Soziale
Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis,
Marburg 2007.
H. Bossel: Assessing viability and sustainability
– A systems-based approach to deriving comprehensive indicator sets. In:
B. M. Campbell, J. Sayer (eds.): Integrated Natural Resource Management –
Linking Productivity, the Environment and Development. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon UK, 2003, pp.
247-266. Also: Conservation Ecology 5(2):12 (2001), http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol5/iss2/art12.
H. Bossel: Sustainability - Application of systems theoretical
aspects to societal development. In: S. E. Jørgensen and F. Müller (eds.):
Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, 2000, 519-536.
H. Bossel:
Exergy and the emergence of multi-dimensional system orientation. In: S. E.
Jørgensen (ed.): Thermodynamics and Ecological Modelling, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida, 2000, 191-209.
H. Bossel:
Policy assessment and simulation of actor orientation for sustainable
development. Ecological Economics, 34 (2000), 337-355.
H. Bossel:
Ecosystems and society: orientation for sustainable development. In: F. Müller,
M. Leupelt (eds.): Eco Targets, Goal Functions, and Orientors. Springer Verlag,
Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New
York 1997, 211-224.
H. Bossel:
Emergence of basic orientors in evolutionary self-organization. In: F. Müller,
M. Leupelt (eds.): Eco Targets, Goal Functions, and Orientors. Springer Verlag,
Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New York 1997, 21-34.
F. Krebs, H. Bossel: Emergent value orientation in
self-organization of an animat. Ecological Modelling 96, 1997, 143-164.
H. Bossel: Allgemeine
Systemtheorie und Kybernetik: Systemtheorie dynamischer Systeme. In: F. Müller
u.a. (Hg.): Handbuch der Ökosystemforschung. EcoMed Verlag, Landsberg 1997.
H. Bossel:
Deriving indicators for sustainable development. Environmental Modeling and
Assessment 1 No.4, 1996, 193-218.
H. Bossel:
Ecosystems and Society: Implications for Sustainable Development. World Futures
47, 1996, 143-213.
H. Bossel:
TREEDYN3 forest simulation model. Ecological Modelling 1996, 187-227.
H. Bossel,
H. Krieger: Simulation of multi-species tropical forest dynamics using a
vertically and horizontally structured model. Forest
Ecology and Management, 69, 1994, 123-144.
H. Bossel:
Real-structure process description as the basis of understanding ecosystems and
their development. Ecological Modelling, 63 (1992), pp. 261-276.
H. Bossel,
H. Krieger: Simulation model of natural tropical forest dynamics. Ecological
Modelling 59 (1991), 35 pp.
H. Bossel:
Modelling forest dynamics: Moving from description to explanation. Forest
Ecology and Management (Special issue: Modelling Forest Succession in Europe) Vol. 42, Nos. 1, 2, July 1991, pp. 129-142.
H. Bossel,
H. Schäfer: Generic simulation model of forest growth, carbon and nitrogen
dy-namics, and application to tropical acacia and European spruce. Ecological
Modelling 48 (1989) 221-265.
H. Bossel:
Viability and Sustainability: Matching development goals to resource
constraints. Futures, vol. 19, no. 2, April 1987, 114-128.
H. Bossel:
Dynamics of Forest Dieback - Systems Analysis
and Simulation. Ecological Modelling, 34 (1986) 259-288.
H. Bossel,
M. Strobel: Experiments with an 'intelligent' world model. Futures, June 1978,
p. 191-212.
H. Bossel:
College Student and Dropout Problem: A Qualitative Dynamic Simulation.
Instructional Science 3, 1974, 23-50.
H. Bossel,
K.L. Orloff: Laser-Doppler Anemometer for Water Tunnel Applications. Journal of
Hydronautics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1972, pp. 101-106.
H. Bossel,
W.J. Hiller, G.E.A. Meier: Noise-Cancelling Difference Method for Optical
Velocity Measurements. Journal of Physics E (Scientific Instruments), Sept.
H. Bossel,
W.J. Hiller, G.E.A. Meier: Self-Aligning Reference Beam Method for Two- and
Three-Dimensional Optical Velocity Measurements. Journal of Physics E
(Scientific In-struments), Sept. 1972.
H. Bossel:
Low Cost Windmill for Developing Nations. Construction Manual. Volunteers for
International Technical Assistance (VITA), Schenectady, N.Y.,
November 1970.
H. Bossel:
Use of Exponentials in the Integral Solution of the Parabolic Equations of
Boundary Layer, Wake, Jet, and Vortex Flows. Journal of Computational Physics,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 1970, pp. 359-382.
H. Bossel:
Vortex Breakdown Flowfield. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 3, March 1969, pp.
(November 2007)